A Wheelchair Manufacturer, a Certified Wilderness First Responder and a Center supported by Sir Richard Branson.
It all started with a donation to us for 200 wheelchairs.
The long story short - The wheelchair manufacturer was contacted by a friend about a friend who wanted to provide aid in Ukraine.
His name is Robert Motley Jr. and he was given our contact information.
A little about Rob:
Master of Science in Occupational Therapy;
12-week rotation in a specialized outpatient orthopedic clinic;
12-week rotation at a Veterans Affairs Hospital;
United States Army Officer (ret.);
UN Cultural Understanding and Leadership Program (CULP) in Mongolia;
Certified Wilderness First Responder with 3 years volunteering with a mountain search and rescue team in Wyoming.
You see, Rob is your average under achieving 28 year old man. 😉
We have placed Rob at the new Superhumans Center supported by Sir Richard Branson here in Lviv.
Rob is loving the work and the staff is loving Rob.
There is no doubt that this young man will provide excellent rehabilitation to these very deserving patients.
During Rob's volunteering hours, Netflix Team arrived at Superhumans Center and asked Rob for an interview.