Chennai India November 2017
Don Bosco/Vatican has established an incredible sanctuary of education , peace and joy in the very center of the largest slum in Chennai, India. This is a city of over 5 million people.
In one huge compound, Don Bosco is taking care of the lives of children from age 5 to adults age 85.
A kindergarten, a primary school, a secondary school, a vocational school,a day center for seniors and living quarters for seniors and now living quarters for children at risk.
We renovated a space of over 9,000 square feet for 100 boys and an additional 3500 square feet for 54 girls.
Study halls, dormitories, kitchens, bathing areas wash areas, and audio visual areas.
Tanja with all of her tasks also found the time to take one day and feed all of the senior citizens who live in the Home for Seniors, which is also located within the compound.
This is a place filled with love and it was our pleasure to provide additional space for this very worthy organization.